Aims and Scope

The journal's major goal is to improve understanding and disseminate research on and about assessment, evaluation, and learning management system (LMS) in all forms, at all levels, and in all sectors of education. The publication gives readers a better grasp of the complex contextual nature of educational evaluation, assessment, and LMS. The journal is theory-driven and methodology-driven to connect research, policy making, and practice.

The journal provides high-quality empirical research on and about assessment, evaluation, and learning management system (LMS) in all forms, at all levels, and in all sectors of education.

As a result, the journal investigates and discusses:

  1. Education evaluation and assessment theories
  2. Technology evaluation: theory/pedagogy driven evaluation
  3. Evaluation, assessment, and LMS: function, role, goals, and purpose
  4. The significance of evaluation, assessment, and LMS
  5. Methodology, design, evaluation of methodologies and assessment
  6. Evaluation, assessment, and LMS: principles, standards, and quality
  7. Issues of E-Learning and Digitals Transformation.